Exhibition of paintings with the topic "Karagöz" in the Hotel Allegra...
Exhibition of paintings with the topic “Karagöz” in the Hotel Allegra
Beetween the dates; 4. august- 27. september 2009 you can see the exhibition of the painter Doğu Erte’s gravures - paintings in the Hotel Allegra.
Since 2003 Doğu Erte has been doing engravings, which are based on the visual effects of the original famous Turkish Shadow theatre Karagöz. He has also been using watercolours on his gravures in order to enrich his works. Doğu Erte says: “ Doing my art, I want to point at the beauty of humour and joy, which is essential for life; as Karagöz has been doing it for hundreds of years as a legendary shadow theatre.
Anyway, I really believe in the dream of the 9. Symphony’s composer, Beethoven: One Day everyone will be sisters and brothers under the smooth wings of joy. Maybe I am a dreamer. But I am not the only one. Hello friends, welcome to the shadow theatre, phantoms of shadow! ”
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